Sport BTEC | Hermitage Academy

Sport BTEC

A BTEC sport extended certificate offers students a wide range of experiences based around the workplace and an insight into a range of careers in the sport industry. This course develops confidence by offering a range of leadership opportunities as well as independent learning in some units. Leadership opportunities are available within school or, if a student takes part in sport outside of school, this too can be used as evidence towards the final outcome.

The qualification can be tailored to the individual with many optional units available. Students enjoy this very practical course as it allows students to specialise in a chosen sport which can link to a chosen career pathway. Students have achieved some excellent grades in this qualification and have gone on to study at university or into employment upon completion.


BTEC sport Extended Certificate

Awarding body Pearson Edexcel

Year 12

Applied anatomy and physiology – advanced anatomy for sporting performance.

Fitness training and programming for health, sport and well-being – developing training programs for self or individual performers in a scenario setting.

Year 13

Professional development in the sports industry – sports development, coaching and improvement for training and facilities in sport

Optional units from a selection, including sports leadership, application of fitness testing, sports psychology and practical sports performance.


Four units, one of which is an external exam based around the anatomy and physiology of the body in sport. The second unit is an externally set task involving planning a training and fitness programme for a given individual. The final two units are optional and could include: sport psychology, practical sport, sports coaching, sport nutrition, outdoor education or many others to choose from.

BTEC Sport has allowed me to feel good about myself! The teachers have been supportive in all circumstances, in and out of school.

Why study sport?

BTEC Sport is of particular value to those hoping to pursue careers in coaching, sports management, sport psychology, physiotherapy, scientific research, personal training and gym instructor training, sports development, sports marketing, event management, sport science and teaching.

Aspects of the course helps you to understand the science behind your sport, enabling you to improve your performance.