
Physical Education - core PE

Physical Education allows students to develop outside of the classroom, providing opportunities to work with peers in a practical setting and offering the freedom to explore existing and hidden talents. The core PE curriculum allows students to focus on physical, social, cognitive and fitness development through participation in a broad and challenging range of sports and physical activities.

Taught activities include: 

Football, Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Trampolining, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Dance, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders, Softball, Dodgeball and Volleyball.

Core PE also aims to develop students’ understanding of the benefits of participating in physical activity, including the importance of being physically active for sustained periods of time. Students are encouraged to be self-motivated and develop key transferrable skills such as resilience, teamwork, communication, leadership and adaptability. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities will also build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. 

Every member of the Hermitage Academy PE department strives to provide an outstanding PE experience that inspires, challenges and motivates all students, through innovative and passionate practice.  

The PE department also offers an array of extra-curricular activities which either mirror the curriculum or provide opportunities for students to be active in a wider range of sports. 

Curriculum information 






  • Perform physicalfitness related activities showing developed technique and resilience


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Basketball, Football, Netball, and Rugby showing development of quality and control


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Table Tennis and Trampolining showing development of quality and control


  • Development of socialskills through working with others


  • Development of cognitive skills through identification of simple sport specific tactics



  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Football and Rugby showing development of quality and control


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Table Tennis, Trampolining, Dance and OAA showing development of quality and control



  • Development of socialskills through working with and listening to others


  • Development of cognitive skills through identification of areas for development in performance 


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Athletics showing development of quality and control


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Striking and fielding games showing development of quality and control


  • Development of socialskills through working effectively with a small group


  • Development of cognitive skills through application of simple sport specific tactics 





  • Perform physicalfitness related activities showing developed technique and resilience


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Basketball, Football, Netball, and Rugby showing development of quality and control


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Table Tennis and Trampolining showing development of quality and control



  • Development of socialskills through attempting to work with different groups of peers


  • Development of cognitive skills through observation of performances






  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Football, Handball and Rugby showing development of quality and control



  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Table Tennis, Trampolining, and Dance showing development of quality and control



  • Development of social skills through appropriate expression of emotion and supporting others in need



  • Development of cognitive skills through refining and changing performance appropriately 






  • Developing accurate performance of basic physical skills and techniques inAthletics in practise and in conditioned competitive situations


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Striking and fielding games showing development of quality and control



  • Accurate application of social and cognitiveskills developed during the autumn and summer terms



  • Perform physicalfitness related activities showing developed technique and resilience


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Basketball, Football, Netball, and Rugby showing development of quality and control


  • Development of social skills through attempting to lead peers through a warm-up or basic skill drill


  • Development of cognitive skills through increased knowledge and understanding of theory-based PE content (health, fitness components, training methods)




  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills and techniques in Rugby and Handball in competitive situations with improving consistency


  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills and techniques in Table Tennis, Trampolining and dance with improving consistency


  • Development of cognitive skills through increased knowledge and understanding of theory-based PE content (health, fitness components, training methods)



  • Development of socialskills through attempting to coach peers through a basic task or skill







  • Developing accurate performance of basic physical skills and techniques inAthletics in practise and in conditioned competitive situations


  • Introduction to attempting and practising basic physical skills and techniques in Striking and fielding games showing development of quality and control



  • Accurate application of social and cognitiveskills developed during the autumn and summer terms




  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in Football, Netball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Dance in games and competitive situations with improving consistency.



  • Development of socialskills through leading peers with improved confidence 


  • Development of cognitive skills through successfully applying a range of tactics and strategies




















  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in  Football, Trampolining, Badminton and Dodgeball in games and competitive situations with improving consistency


  • Develop the Power of Positivity through alternative activities  such as Yoga, Dance, Mindfulness and Boxercise



  • Development of socialskills through supporting peers to improve their performance



  • Development of cognitive skills through successfully applying a range of tactics and strategies













  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in CricketAthletics and Softball androunders in games and competitive situations with improving consistency



  • Accurate application of social and cognitiveskills developed during the autumn and summer terms

























  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in Football, Netball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Dance in games and competitive situations with improving consistency.



  • Development of socialskills through leading peers with improved confidence 


  • Development of cognitive skills through successfully applying a range of tactics and strategies


  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in  Football, Trampolining, Badminton and Dodgeball in games and competitive situations with improving consistency


  • Develop the power of positivity through alternative activities such as Yoga, Dance, Mindfulness and Boxercise



  • Development of socialskills through supporting peers to improve their performance



  • Development of cognitive skills through successfully applying a range of tactics and strategies













  • Develop ability to select and perform appropriate physical skills/advanced skills and techniques in CricketAthletics and Softball androunders in games and competitive situations with improving consistency



  • Accurate application of social and cognitiveskills developed during the autumn and summer terms




















PE is amazing, it helps us be active and learn new sports.
Year 8 student
PE is my favourite subject as we get a break from the pressures of the classroom and a chance to be fitter and healthier
Year 11 student