Modern foreign languages

Modern foreign languages

Learning a language broadens horizons, instils confidence and deepens the understanding of the world in which we currently live. The benefits of being able to communicate in a second language are profound, opening minds to different cultures, developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as increasing employability. The Modern Foreign Languages department at Hermitage Academy utilises these core beliefs to develop curious and confident language learners of the future who will have the skills and capacity to master whichever language they may choose. 

At Hermitage Academy students are afforded the opportunity to attend trips abroad to either France or Spain. These highly popular cultural visits aim to ‘put into practice’ the skills learnt within the classroom and students are encouraged to speak in the target language throughout the visit. This is a real opportunity to bring the subject to life for our learners. For those unable to travel, we bring the world to our classroom by celebrating festivals, food tasting, exposure to the latest songs, cultural anthems, clips from French and Spanish news and interviews and authentic texts from French and Spanish literature, newspapers and magazines. All students have the opportunity to develop conversational language skills and the necessary key language to successfully complete daily tasks in French or Spanish-speaking countries such as booking a table in a restaurant, hotel reservations, asking for directions etc.

Curriculum information

At Hermitage Academy, students will study either French or Spanish. They study a curriculum that is rich in both language and culture which contributes to the development of their cultural capital. Through the study of languages, students can see the world from a different viewpoint and embrace the cultures and customs of French and Spanish-speaking nations. In addition, students can gain a greater understanding into their own language by comparing patterns across different languages.  

At Key Stages 3 and 4, they will acquire four key skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking and will study a range of grammar points including the past, present and future tenses. At Key Stage 5 students build upon the knowledge, understanding and skills gained at GCSE. The curriculum focuses on French/Spanish speaking society and how it has been formed both socially and culturally. Students also have the opportunity to link this knowledge to the study of a film and a literary text.

Our French curriculum






Tout sur moi

Description of self 

Ma famille

Family and pets

Mon collège

School subjects, uniform and facilities

J’habite ici

Town and local area

A table

Food and drink

Projets d’été

Summer holiday plans


Mes passe-temps

Free time and hobbies

Je suis sportif 

Sports and leisure activities

L’année dernière 

Countries and holiday destinations

Les médias

Music, TV, film and books


La technologie 

Devices, habits and dangers


La santé

Healthy eating and choices


Les ados

Relationships, pocket money and chores

A l’étranger

Planning a holiday


Mon avenir

Jobs, careers and future ambitions

Quand j’étais plus jeune

Describing what you used to be like

Chez moi

House and bedrooms



Traditions and festivals


Les vacances et le tourisme

Travel and tourism


My studies and life at school

Après mes examens

Education post-16

Jobs, career choices and ambitions

La famille et les amis

Me, my family and friends

La vie saine

Healthy lifestyle

Je suis accro

Technology in everyday life

Mes projets d’avenir

Marriage and relationships


Les problèmes mondiaux 

Environment,  poverty and charitable organisations



Les problèmes mondiaux 

Environment, poverty and charitable organisations

GCSE Exams


La famille en voie de changement

The changing nature of families

La cyber-société

Technology and its impact on society

Le rôle du bénévolat

The role of volunteering

Le patrimoine

Regional and national heritage

Le septième art

French cinema

Literary text study

La musique francophone

Francophone music

Film study

Independent Research Project


Les aspects positives d’une société diverse

Positive aspects of a diverse society

Les marginalisés

Socially marginalised groups

Comment traite les criminels ?

The treatment of criminals

Literary text study

Independent Research Project

Les ados,le droit de vote et l’engagement politique

Young people, the right to vote and political engagement

La politique et l’immigration

Politics and immigration

Manifestations et grèves

The role of unions, strikes and protests

Film study

Independent Research Project

A-level exams



Our Spanish curriculum 







Introducing yourself and giving personal details

Mi familia y mis amigos

Family and Friends

Mi insti

Describing school, uniform and subjects

Vivo Aquí

Town and local area

Mi Tiempo Libre

Free-time activities

Me encanta el verano

Holiday preferences and plans 



Las vacaciones del año pasado

Holidays in the past

Las vacaciones este verano

Holidays in the future

A comer

Food and meal times

El deporte/La salud

Sport and health

Los Medios y La Tecnología

Music, film, TV, reading and technology

De Compras

Clothes and shopping


Los jóvenes

Relationships, pocket money and chores

En el extranjero

Holidays past, present and future

Mi futuro

Jobs, careers and future ambitions

Cuando era pequeño/a

Describing what you used to be like

Bienvenido a mi casa

House and bedrooms



Traditions and festivals


Las vacaciones y el turismo

Travel and tourism


La educación

My studies and life at school

  • Trabajar o estudiar?

Education post-16

Jobs, career choices and ambitions

Una vida sana

Heathy and unhealthy living

La tecnología

Technology in everyday life

Planes para el futuro

Marriage and relationships


Los problemas mundiales

Environment,  poverty and charitable organisations


Los problemas mundiales

Environment, poverty and charitable organisations

GCSE exams


Los valores tradicionales y modernos

The changing nature of families

El ciberespacio

Technology and its impact on society


La influencia de los ídolos

Modern day idols

La igualdad de derechos

Equal rights between sexes Film study


La identidad regional en        España

Regional identity in Spain

El patrimonio cultural

Cultural heritage

Literary text study

Independent Research Project




La inmigración


El racismo


La convivencia

Integration of different cultures and religions

Film study

Independent Research Project

Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana

Young people and politics

Monarquías y dictaduras

Monarchs and dictators

Movimientos populares

The role of unions, strikes and protests

Literary text study

Independent Research Project

A-level exams


I enjoy the challenge of learning a new language and I love to learn about different cultures and I know that it will be useful for my future.
Year 11 student
I love learning French and Spanish because it is challenging, but it is like learning a secret code that helps you learn and discover more!
Year 7 student