
Work experience and volunteering

Why volunteer? Volunteering in your local, national or international community could be one of the most rewarding things you have ever invested time into.

Work experience and volunteering

We encourage students to seek out their own work experience and volunteering opportunities after their GCSE exams in year 11 and in the sixth form. Volunteering provides the intrinsic reward of doing something worthwhile and helpful for others; allows personal growth in confidence, self-esteem, vital life-skills and competencies, as well as valuable content to make a CV stand out from the crowd.

Volunteering provides you with:

  • That feel good factor of doing something worthwhile and helpful for others: making a difference.
  • Personal growth in confidence, self-esteem and vital life-skills.
  • Building career-useful skills and competencies.
  • Ingredients to create an irresistible CV for colleges, universities and careers.
  • The chance to meet a variety of new people and future friends!
  • Fun!

Opportunities board 


Teach First work experience